Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Symptoms of depression and mania
Not everyone who is depressed or manic experiences every symptom. Some people experience a few symptoms and some many symptoms. The severity of symptoms also varies with individuals.
Depression symptoms of manic depression
Persistently sad, anxious, or "empty" mood Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping Decreased appetite and/or weight loss, or overeating and weight gain Fatigue, decreased energy, being "slowed down" Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts Restlessness, irritability Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain Mania symptoms of manic depression
Inappropriate elation Inappropriate irritability Severe insomnia Grandiose notions Increased talking speed and/or volume Disconnected and racing thoughts Increased sexual desire Markedly increased energy Poor judgment Inappropriate social behavior
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
What are the types of depression and their symptoms?
Depressive disorders come in different forms, just as do other illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes. Three of the most common types of depressive disorders are discussed below. However, remember that within each of these types, there are variations in the number, severity, and persistence of symptoms.
Major Depression
Major depression is characterized by a combination of symptoms, including sad mood (see symptom list), that interfere with the ability to work, sleep, eat, and enjoy once-pleasurable activities. Disabling episodes of depression can occur once, twice, or several times in a lifetime.
Dysthymia is a less severe type of depression. It involves long-term (chronic) symptoms that do not disable, but yet prevent the affected person from functioning at "full steam" or from feeling good. Sometimes, people with dysthymia also experience episodes of major depression. This combination of the two types of depression is referred to as double-depression.
Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression)
Another type of depression is bipolar disorder, which was formerly called manic-depressive illness or manic depression. This condition shows a particular pattern of inheritance. Not nearly as common as the other types of depressive disorders, bipolar disorder involves cycles of depression and mania, or elation. Bipolar disorder is often a chronic, recurring condition. Sometimes, the mood switches are dramatic and rapid, but most often they are gradual.
When in the depressed cycle, the person can experience any or all of the symptoms of a depressive disorder. When in the manic cycle, any or all of the symptoms listed under mania may be experienced. Mania often affects thinking, judgment, and social behavior in ways that cause serious problems and embarrassment. For example, unwise business or financial decisions may be made when an individual is in a manic phase.
A significant variant of bipolar disorder is designated as bipolar II. (The usual form of bipolar disorder is referred to as bipolar I.) Bipolar II is a syndrome in which the affected person has repeated depressive episodes punctuated by what is called hypomania (mini-highs). These euphoric states in bipolar II do not fully meet the criteria for the complete manic episodes that occur in bipolar I.
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
A depressive disorder is a syndrome (group of symptoms) that reflects a sad mood exceeding normal sadness or grief. More specifically, the sadness of depression is characterized by a greater intensity and duration and by more severe symptoms and functional disabilities than is normal.
Depression symptoms are characterized not only by negative thoughts, moods, and behaviors, but also by specific changes in bodily functions (for example, irregular eating, sleeping, crying spells, and decreased libido). The functional changes of clinical depression are often called neurovegetative signs. This means that the nervous system changes in the brain cause many physical that result in diminished activity and participation.
Certain people with depressive disorder, especially bipolar depression (manic depression), seem to have an inherited vulnerability to this condition.
Depressive disorders are a huge public health problem. Depression costs the United States huge amounts of direct costs, which are the treatment costs, and indirect costs, such as lost productivity and absenteeism. In a major medical study, depression caused significant problems in the functioning of those affected more often than did arthritis, hypertension, chronic lung disease, and diabetes, and in two categories of problems, as often as coronary artery disease. Depression can increase the risks for developing coronary artery disease, HIV, asthma, and some other medical illnesses. Furthermore, it can increase the morbidity (illness) and mortality (death) from these conditions. Depression is usually first identified in a primary-care setting, not in a mental health practitioner's office. Moreover, it often assumes various disguises, which causes depression to be frequently under-diagnosed.
In spite of clear research evidence and clinical guidelines regarding therapy, depression is often under-treated. Hopefully, this situation can change for the better.
For full recovery from a mood disorder, regardless of whether there is a precipitating factor or it seems to come out of the blue, treatments with medications and/or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
What is a depressive disorder?
Depressive disorders have been with man since the beginning of recorded history. In the Bible, King David, as well as Job, suffered from this affliction. Hippocrates referred to depression as melancholia, which literally means black bile. Black bile, along with blood, phlegm, and yellow bile were the four humors (fluids) that accounted for the basic medical physiology of that time. Depression has been portrayed in literature and the arts for hundreds of years, but what do we mean today when we refer to a depressive disorder? In the 19th century, depression was seen as an inherited weakness of temperament. In the first half of the 20th century, Freud linked the development (pathogenesis) of depression to guilt and conflict. John Cheever, the author and a modern sufferer of depressive disorder, wrote of conflict and experiences with his parents as influencing his development of depression.
In the 1950s and 60s, depression was divided into two types, endogenous and neurotic. Endogenous means that the depression comes from within the body, perhaps of genetic origin, or comes out of nowhere. Neurotic or reactive depression has a clear environmental precipitating factor, such as the death of a spouse, or other significant loss, such as the loss of a job. In the 1970s and 80s, the focus of attention shifted from the cause of depression to its effects on the afflicted people. That is to say, whatever the cause in a particular case, what are the symptoms and impaired functions that experts can agree make up a depressive disorder? Although there is some argument even today (as in all branches of medicines), most experts agree that:
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Gajar Ka Halwa Recipe:
--Ingredients-- 1 kilo carrots grated 1cup sugar seeds of 4-5 small illaichi 1tbs oil khoya (Riccota cheese) 1tbs khevera essence dry fruits (pistachio,almond,raisins) 4-5 tbs powder milk
--Directions-- Grate the carrots and put them in a pot on low heat along with the illaichi seeds. When they become soft and water dries add sugar and again leave for the water to dry. Then add oil,khoya,dryfruit and milk and dry the water on high heat. When done add khevera just before removing from heat. Can be served hot or cold.
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Fajita Pizza Recipe Recipe:
--Ingredients-- Homemade Pizza Dough 2 Chicken Breast Halves (boneless & skinless) (cut into thin strips) 1 cup of Colby Cheese (shredded) 1 cup of Monterey Jack Cheese (shredded) 1 medium Green Bell Pepper (Hari Shimla Mirch) (sliced into 1/2" strips) 1 medium Red Bell Pepper (Lal Shimla Mirch) (sliced into 1/2" strips) 1 medium Onion (cut into wedges) 1 clove of Garlic (Lasan) (minced) 2 tbsp. of Fresh Cilantro/Coriander Leaves (Hara Dhania) (cut into slivers) 2 tsp. of Fajita Seasoning 1/4 cup of Salsa (for garnish) Sour Cream (desired amount for garnish) Olive Oil (to mist crust) 1 tsp. of Olive Oil (divided)
--Directions-- ) Preheat oven to 450° F.
2) Line a vented pizza pan or large baking sheet with parchment baking paper that has been trimmed so edges will not hang over the pan or touch the oven wall. Place pizza crust on parchment-lined pan. Mist the crust and the rim with olive oil.
3) Cut the peppers and onions into 1/2 inch strips. Cut the chicken into thin strips.
4) In a large non-stick skillet heat 1/2 teaspoon olive oil, add chicken strips, sauté until chicken is no longer pink. To the chicken add remaining oil, bell peppers, onions, fajita seasoning and garlic. Continue to sauté until chicken is thoroughly cooked and vegetables are tender crisp. Remove from heat and drain any juices. Add the salsa.
5) Reduce oven temperature to 425° F. Keeping pizza crust on the pan sprinkle the colby cheese over the crust. Arrange the chicken mixture over the cheese, sprinkle the monterey jack cheese on top of the chicken.
6) Bake for 12 minutes. To crisp the crust, remove from the parchment-lined pan and place crust directly on the oven rack for 2-3 additional minutes.
7) Remove from the oven, sprinkle with cilantro/coriander leaves, let stand 8-10 minutes. Serve with additional salsa and sour cream, if desired.
Syrup: 1 liter milk 6 tbs sugar Seeds of 1 small illaichi 1 tbs chopped pista 1/2 tsp kevera essence
--Directions-- Mix together the ingredients into a dough and form into small oval,slightly flattened balls. Meanwhile boil the milk with sugar and illaichi seeds. When the milk starts to boil add the malai balls. When they start to swell up lower the heat and cook for 10 minutes. Just before removing from heat add kevera essence.Garnish with pista. Chill and serve.
Age: 124
7869 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
Fruit Pizza Recipe:
--Ingredients-- FOR CRUST: 1 1/2 cups of Flour 1/2 tsp. of Salt 2 tbsp. of Sugar 2 tbsp. of Milk 1/2 cup of Cooking Oil
FOR FILLING: 8 oz. of Cream Cheese 1/4 cup of Sugar 1/2 tbsp. of Orange Rind 1/2 tbsp. of Lemon Rind 1 pint of Whipping Cream 1 tbsp. of Milk
FOR FRUIT: Strawberries Bananas Kiwis Peaches Nectarines Blueberries Raspberries Canteloupe Or any fruit combinations of your choice.
FOR GLAZE: 2 tbsp. of Corn Starch 1/2 cup of Sugar 1/2 cup of Orange Juice 1/4 cup of Lemon Juice 1/4 cup of Water
--Directions-- FOR CRUST: 1) Mix all ingredients by hand or with a pastry blender. Spread evenly onto an ungreased pan. Bake for 15 minutes at 375 degrees until it turns deep golden brown. This crust must be completely cooled before filling.
FOR FILLING: 1) Whip cream cheese in a food processor until it is fluffy and has no lumps. Add the rest of the ingredients to the cream cheese except for the whipped cream and process until it is well blended. Then add the whipped cream and whip until it turns thick. Spread the mixture evenly on the cooled crust.
FOR FRUIT: 1) You may slice fruit and lay it on top of the filling decoratively, or chop it and sprinkle on top for that "pizza supreme" look.
FOR GLAZE: 1) Bring to a boil, by stirring constantly. Once it comes to a boil, stir for 1 minute or until the mixture looks clear. Remove from heat and spoon evenly over the fruit.
Note: This recipe is for a 12-inch tart pan or pizza pan. For a 14-inch pan, use 1-1/2 times the crust and the filling recipes, but use the single glaze recipe. For a 16-inch pan, double the recipes for crust and filling, but use 1-1/2 times the glaze.
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
11 Azeem Shaeer Syed Irteza Ali Kirmani
Review: Eleven Great Poets of Urdu Language gives a whirlwind tour of the historical perspective of Urdu poetry. It introduces the readers to the poets through their biographical sketches and extensive samples from the works.
The book provides between 26 to 55 pages of the work of each of the selected eleven immortal poets of the last 120 years. This is not a book that you read once and then put away. You will enjoy it in solitude and when you are among friends. It is perfect for selecting the right verse for a special occasion, or for finding a good Ghazal or Geet or Nazam to sing.
The poets featured are:
Mir Taqi Mir Mirza Asad-Ullah Ghalib Soda Mir Dard Dagh Mohammad Ibrahim Zoq Ameer Minai Khawaja Altaf Husain Hali Hasrat Mohani Allama Mohammad Iqbal Faiz Ahmed Faiz
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Kulyat-e-Saher Saher Ludhyanvi
Description: Saher Ludhyanvi achieved fame at a relatively young age compared to his contemporaries. At 35 years, he had earned quite a reputation as an Urdu poet. Since then, his poetry has been much in demand as is obvious with the various provincial translations of his poetry that are available today.
Every poet can be differentiated from another by his signature poetry. Saher's honesty and spontaneity found in his poetry were the attributes that singled him out at the time when competition was rife. Saher's emotions flowed with his pen- how he felt or what he was going through at the time of writing his poem, one could easily experience through his verses. He was a sort of 'no holds barred' poet who never hesitated in writing the truth, no matter how bitter it was.
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Thatharti aabsharoon main bujhi thandi hawa sehna, Shaboon kay gumbadoon main goonjti baichainioon kay darmiaan rehna, Har ik mausam ko apnay androoni mausamoon ki zad main lay aana, Kabhi mil kay kisi say Baikhabar adhay samandur taq safar karna, Kabhi tanha kisi sahil pay aa kay dair taq lehroon ko gin’na, Aur khala’ main daikhtay rehna, muhabbat hai. Kisi khoiy howay ko ghair iradi tor par Har ajnabi chehray main aksar dhoondtay rehna, Hamaisha baikhayali main Kitaboon, chaand, taroon, badloon par Iskay baray, jhilmilati baat likh daina Ya phir likh kay mita daina, Kabhi rungoon ki lehroon par Usay baysaut hontoon say sada daina, Sada ko bazgasht aur goonj main dhal kar Khalaoon say tahi daman palat’tay daikhna Aur phir sada daina, Muhabbat hai. Main kia likhoon, Kabhi aisa bhi hota hai Bohut say rooth kay naraaz ho kar Napasandeeda khayaloon, tabsaroon ki oot say, Ya mukhtalif heeloon bahanoon say Kisi ko jhanktay rehna, Kisi ko soochtay rehna, Wo manay ya na manay bas usay likhtay rehna, Muhabbat hai!!